
trying is the first step towards failure

Friday, May 28

pack, pack, packing... i'm preparing for my Jersey trip and really, i am doing well. i am hoping to leave at noonish to avoid pre-holiday, friday rush-hour traffic and so far i am right on schedule. it is amazing-- i need to procrastinate some such that i can live up to the usual "late-girl" presumption. (i don't like to let people down by actually being on-time)

..... with linen clothing items, i think there is the expectation of wrinkles. am i wrong? i hope not, bc i will not be ironing. and furthermore i shall wear my linen skirt today for the car ride ensuring many, many wrinkles.

alrighty.... well, good weekend wishes for everyone. celebrate memorial day with cookouts and beer- like a good blue-blooded american. i command you.

Thursday, May 27

read 'em and weep

if you can believe it, i have actually influenced another to blog. namely, my "college friend" (said for your benefit, of course). she's ever-so-fiesty and actually quite cool, despite being friends with me.... so you should stop reading my blog and check into hers. she'll appreciate the fandom. but promise to like me better.... i SO need the approval. *wink*

i've lost that lovin' feeling

fellow bloggers seem to have found their niche in the blogging world these days--- as if being sarcastic and witty isn't enough. and as they come into their own i have begun to think in negative terms about my own page. coupled with the fact that I have recently had several "i have a blog" conversations, i have found it increasingly hard to explain the whys & whats of blogging. i've been questionning my web existence and finding little satisfaction in the process. i've even been thinking that comments left by friends are somewhat mocking in nature...... hmmm..... i dunno... maybe i'm just hormonally challenged.

Tuesday, May 25

someone should say something (i guess)

when i logged-into my email account to find the usual phish newsblast, i thought little of it. reading the title "an announcement from trey" i decided to open, instead of the usual delete, in order to see what the rockstar had to say that would bare such an ominous subject title.

i suppose you all know what was to follow. an explanation of sorts announcing the intent to dismantle the famous jam band following their summer tour and "Coventry" weekend show slated for august 14 & 15 in their home state of Vermont. Trey remarks "we all love and respect Phish and the Phish audience far too much to stand by and allow it to drag on beyond the point of vibrancy and health. We don't want to become caricatures of
ourselves, or worse yet, a nostalgia act."

so today will go down in the history books (well, not quite, but anyway) as the day phish announced their end. most of you have probably heard already (it seems this story made news highlights on NPR and even yahoo) and i guess most of you don't much care.... as a trueblue phish fangirl, i suppose i should have remorse for this break-up...... somehow though, i don't. i've been singing the "phish is done" song since their hiatus in 2000. and after attending a couple of summer shows last year, i decided that maybe i was the one who needed ta take a hiatus from the boys; a time to renew my appreciation for the band that has always held such a special place in my heart.. infact i chose to skip last year's fall show we had tickets for and let another go in my place. and when the husband mail-ordered for this summer's camden show, i told him that i doubted i'd go with. i dunno... it just seems like the magic is gone. the crowds of dreadie kids have become increasingly annoying to me and furthermore i have not been feeling the good vibes i once did.

but, in light of these new developments, i suppose i will elect to attend the august show. as the last night of summer tour, camden should prove to be a eventful, if not bittersweet....

ooooh, phish... you should've ended it with the hiatus... but i love ya anyway....

i hope God grades on a curve

so i haven't had a mind to post lately. and really i don't have much to say to the blogger community today but here i am. plus, it's been said before but let me say it again: i LOATHE the new blogger format... i have more trouble checking in with the associated pages therein and i just want to scream out in frustration. damn blogger to hell.... not to mention, i'm just not feelin' the love from the community these days. isn't anything sacred? i mean, i've been drivin' round the suburbs lately and there are fanboys everywhere. (nah, kt, just joshing, you know i gots the love)

but seriously, i've been out of town quite a bit these past few weeks. after the weekend in dirty richmond, i went south to Tennessee to visit with the extended fam. just got back on Sunday, infact. i think my southern draw may still be lingering. (seems i have an inborn proclivity to the southern accent) but i would never live down there. a little too God-oriented for me. i have nothing against the christians but damn if i'm gonna pray before each and every meal, watch tv evangilists as i'm dressing for sunday school, witness to people in the grocery store, and participate in church-sponsored suppers. just ain't my bag baby. (and i guess i'll be seeing you in hell for that)

anyway, all these travels have been suiting me well bc i have been showering like a mother-fucker! aaaahhhh, god bless the shower. i think i will have banked 5 weekends in a row with a shower when all this traveling is over......

so where else am i going?, you ask. well, this weekend coming up, i'll be in the garden state visiting with the best friend (giving her a little bday shout-out) and then i'll be cold-kickin' it new england style with the man up in granola town, usa (that'd be Burlington, VT for those of you who don't know).

when this is all over though, i've gotta buckle down and find a jobbie-job. damn responsibilties.

Tuesday, May 18


i am feeling the need for lists today so here is my offering:

top ten shows i rarely watch but really should make a better effort to do so (in no particular order)
1. sealab 2021
2. space ghost coast to coast
3. david letterman
4. conan o'brian
5. arrrested development
6. the Daily show
7. chapelle show
8. harvey birdman attorney at law
9. vh1's ILLustrated
10. show biz mom's & dad's (or whatever it is called.... and just for sheer entertainment value)

alright. i'm done with the lists for now. or at least i will have to go back to the drawing board to come up with another for you. (these lists require more thinking than i had anticipated)

in other news, i made the husband stop at the local record store en route home from dirty RIC 'cause i've had the Joggers on my mind for some time now. Much to my dismay, i could not find the album and was resigned to leave with just a used copy of mathew sweet's girlfriend when i spotted a few more indie newbies i had to pick up (namely, the postal service & ambulance). It was then that I actually asked the "salesgirl" if the joggers were on hand and she pulled them out of the Hardcore/Punk section. (how random and weird is THAT?) good thing i asked! (i've got a thing against asking) in any case, i've been smiling since yesterday. and once again i feel i owe it all to the music consultant. i'm just not cool enough to have come up with this new music on my own..... you met me.... you know it is true....

alright well.... love to the pc's or the white straw hats. (oooh, and that dreamy drummer!) HOLLA!!

Monday, May 17

aaahhh... colorado.

Thursday, May 13

i love the nightlife. i love to boogie.

tonight i had the pleasure of attending a show at the 9:30Club in DC with a good friend of mine. Going to the show, i realized a couple of things. 1. i had no idea who the hell was playing. 2. i had not been to Nightclub 9:30 in...well,... perhaps 3 years?!? so, needless to say, i had no idea what to expect out of the night. It seems the whole sha-bang was sponsored by lame-ass mix 107.3 and featured some local guy (justin something or other), toby lightman, and joshua kelley. I deemed it short-guy night, as every other guy in attendence was less than 5'7". maybe it was the 3" wedge flip-flops i was sporting... or maybe it was the gin & tonics i put down. but the whole room seemed to be full of short guys.... and dikes. mad dikes.

anyway, i can't complain. i had a good time. the toby chic was who my friend wanted to see and she turned out to be alright. nothing spectacular but fairly decent (as far as alt rock/singer-songwriter gals go). we bolted a few songs into josh kelley (i felt like i was living under a rock 'cause quite frankly i'd never heard of the dude).

but the g&t's treated me good... or rather the ooh-so cute barkeep treated me well by making my drinks extra-strong. by the time we left, i had transformed into loud, rowdy sarah. i'm not sure how fun this version of me is to be around, but damn, it is fun to portray. (a side note: i only had 3--> i'm such a CHEAP DATE!)

well that's my story. had to tell someone. now, i'm off to bed.

Wednesday, May 12

too funny

normally i avoid political commentary--- everyone and their grandmother has a politics' blog and, quite frankly, i don't care--- but this was just TOO GOOD not to pass on. so check it out and chuckle to yourself. rumsfeld testimony put to music

tell me....

why is it that everytime i wash my car i get hit on?

(single ladies take note: wash car = find man)

blah blah blah

in the spirit of nostalgia

well, i worked in my yard yesterday and damn am i sore today. cleaned out a flower bed full of ivy (i have more vines in my yard than you can shake a stick at) and planted a couple of bushes instead. i am pleased with the outcome, but i am sad to say that there is about 30 more days of hard labor before the yard ceases to look like a jungle.

in related news: my dishwasher is f-ed up. thanks to rrrrob for the helpful tips. i guess i'll actually get under the sink today and give them a try. it's times like this that i wish i had a handy-guy around!

so, i have nothing exciting to share. just same ol' day-n-day-out bullshit. i'll try to get interesting and report back.

Tuesday, May 11

this just in... cp contracting out his talents to BK?!?!

i'm looking at Fark today, as i do every so often, and ran across an article about Burger King's subservient chicken website. as the chicken who takes orders has a special place in my heart, i couldn't help but do a quick read-through of the article. you can imagine my amazement to find-- somewhere towards the end-- the mention of subservient chicken creator "Crispin Porter". check it out for yourself.

anyway, not much to report here. i feel like i should have something exciting to say regarding my colorado trip, but i don't. don't get me wrong, i had a blast. infact i had way more fun that even i expected-- this care-free vacationning attitude followed me everywhere while i was out there. but now, i'm home and back to the problems of everyday life. back to the grumpiness. back to the responsibilities. back to the funk. back to job hunting and dirty laundry and weed-filled garden and filthy house. the husband is sick and even my damn dishwasher is acting up-- not emptying its water after being run... what the hell is that about?!?!?

but let's not end this post on a sad note. instead let me just say that it is with great excitement and expectations that i am looking forward to this weekend and the pc gig in the RIC. it is always good to be in a different locale and damnit, the pc's should be rockin. besides, if they aren't, i'm sure the booze will be.

Sunday, May 9

change is good?

ok. this sucks. i am not at all digging the blogger redesign. infact, i am down-right angry about it. just typed out a post and managed to lose it (due to my own stupidity, mind you) but i blame it totally on blogger redesign....... besides, i came to the blog tonight looking for comfort and familiarity, and was slapped in the face with change.. isn't anything sacred these days?!

so, the mother's day/visit-with-the-friend-&-her-kid combo has made my uterus ache. pathetic, i know. but so true. i long to be woken up early in the morning for kid's tv programming. i long for sippy-cups and car seats and blankies; for messy diapers, snotty-noses, and spit-up. i long to have my life interrupted by little kid questions and temper tantrums; laughing and crying; singing and whining..... *sigh* as you all can guess, the husband is full of groans. he is wishing he had not send me to visit with the little one; wishing we could stop having the "when will you be ready to think about kids" conversation; wishing he had not married a total nutbag.... i feel for him, really i do.

that aside, i must ask: have you kids ever watched vh1's best week ever? it really is a gem. i soooo dig the pop-culture week wrap-up. makes me proud to be an american. apparently they have a blog too, but i've never checked it out. (i'm not THAT ardent of a fan)

well, tonight is a new Aqua Teen Hunger Force and i am glad that i have stayed awake for it. (i hope it is better than the new simpsons that was on tonight.... don't get me wrong, the simpsons is golden but the previews showed so much milhouse and i was disappointed when he only had a small role. you see, i am a big fan of milhouse. BIG fan!)

Thursday, May 6

what the hell are civet cats????

alright. i had no intention of posting just yet. i guess i was psyching myself out for some kind of big "i'm back from colorado" post where i had all these adventures and fun stuff to share. but then i stumbled across this:

Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
Sarah's Lurgy
Cause:influence of the Devil
Symptoms:extremely dry skin, imperceptibly orange hair, tooth lengthening, depression
Cure:eat more civet cats
Enter your name, for your own diagnosis:

and i couldn't NOT post it. i mean really, how more ON THE MONEY could this diagnosis be?